Following Jesus
In Diverse Community
In a world divided and polarized by politics, secondary doctrines, generational, and ethnic differences...we are a faith community striving to lay aside our differences (John 17) and choosing instead to be unified in One Spirit, One Lord, and One baptism. (Ephesians 4:1-6)
God has appointed us to be an ethnically, socio-economically, generationally, and politically diverse Christian congregation drawn from the greater Pittsburgh region and based in Pittsburgh's North Side.
We are a diverse people created in the image of God, redeemed by His Son, Jesus, adopted into a new family called His Church, and whom one day will be glorified by our Father in Heaven. We are united by His Spirit, devoted to holy living, and being one so the world may know
Jesus is the Savior of the world.
The essence of who we are
We believe that God has called us to do unique things and His spirit is the one that leads us. We use the phrase we’re running errands for the Holy Spirit, meaning He’s got a job for us to do, but it’s His job and His purpose, and we want to discern that and do those things.
We believe that when we gather together in times of corporate worship, God’s presence brings joy, hope and healing and we pursue that with all of our hearts. We also proclaim His truth, meaning we believe God’s Word. The Bible is relevant for today from Genesis to Revelation, so we proclaim that with all of our hearts.
Every person is created in God’s image, and we seek after them and we love people where they are. So we go out into our community, we go out into the regions, and we go out into all the world to express and share the love of Jesus Christ.
We believe that God’s Kingdom is a diverse kingdom and that we can actually be stronger in our differences, rather than being divided by them.
We believe Jesus is the perfect example for each of us and by growing and following Him and by reading His word, we want to live a life here on Earth like He did.
Our Story
130 Years of History
Over a century ago, Dr. A.B. Simpson founded the ministry now known as ACAC with a vision to unite believers across denominations for global missions without leaving their local churches. Pastor Rock Dillaman’s arrival in 1984 marked a transformative period, leading the church through repentance for racism and disengagement from the changing neighborhood which resulted in a diverse congregation committed to community service. In 2020, Pastor Alan Hannah became ACAC’s eighth lead pastor and under his leadership ACAC has revitalized its ministry, embracing diversity, and community engagement, with a renewed focus on urban outreach. In 2023, ACAC became “one church in two locations” as we opened our campus in the Steel Valley area of Pittsburgh. We remain optimistic about our future, believing our best days lie ahead as we continue to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. Learn more about ACAC’s history by watching our newly released documentary at the link below!
Our Denomination
“That’s our mission – to go and make disciples of all nations, to bring all of Jesus to all of the world.”
ACAC is part of the Christian & Missionary Alliance (C&MA) denomination. Check out the C&MA’s website for more information on who the Alliance is, what the Alliance does, and how you can get involved.

Our Lead Pastor
Meet Pastor Alan Hannah
For the past 25 years, Alan Hannah has been dedicated to full-time ministry, serving as a pastor in Virginia, Texas, and currently in Pennsylvania. Pastor Alan’s background and passion for worship arts are reflected in his spirit-led preaching style. He has combined his speaking gift with his down-to-earth personality to effectively guide and teach multi-ethnic and multi-generational congregations. Emphasizing the importance of authenticity and excellence in all areas of ministry, Pastor Alan is committed to helping develop and support current and upcoming of church leaders.
In 2014, sensing a call to lead pastorship, Alan pursued further theological education, earning a Master of Divinity from Liberty University Theological Seminary. In January 2020, he assumed the role of Lead Pastor at Allegheny Center Alliance Church in Pittsburgh. He is active in the community and serves as a member of the Board of Directors for the Pittsburgh Leadership Foundation. Alan, an ORU graduate in Organizational & Interpersonal Communication, is happily married to Tara, and they have two children. Beyond ministry, he enjoys sports, blogging, and indulging his passion for golf during the summer months.
Our Staff
Get to know the ACAC Staff.